Thursday, October 28, 2010

Random Things

Danno:  "Hey, Jack Lord, William Shatner called and he wants his ego back."
Random Things
~House of the Dead reviewed by Phelous. I got a kick out this review. I actually watched about 30 minutes of the House of Dead. I couldn't get through the random clips of the game-play footage that Boll put into the film. It just makes the movie even more awkward than it should be. Bad music and bad editing makes this one of Boll's worst movies by far. I have to get enough courage to sit through this movie. I'm guessing a cable channel will show this movie again during the Halloween season.
~James MacArthur passes away: He was the character Danno on Hawaii Five-O. The main character would always say, “Book em, Danno.” I can't count the number of episodes I've watched from the HFO series when I was a kid. My mother would watch the show, and I'd watch it too. And, the show had one of the best best intros in the world.
~Limewire gets shut down: I can't say I miss the program because it was such a virus filled system that it wasn't safe to download anything from that program. And, since Napster was shut down, file sharing became decentralized with people going everywhere for their software needs.
~Montana Fishburne: Her lawyer is reporting that Montana is doing fine in rehab. Hopefully, her stay in rehab with force her to see her that she can't stay in porn. The move into porn was a decision to embarrass her famous father and lash out at his legacy. This is not the way to get famous on a long term level. Will we still be talking about Paris Hilton or the Jersey Shore cast in 20 years?
~Things seem to be getting better for me, but I need to try to apply for school newspaper, so I can get my name out there in print. I'd love to do a pop culture column for the paper.


MC said...

When I was at University, I wrote reviews... maybe you can get in on some of that action too.

Semaj said...

I certainly Hope so. I'd love doing an retro review part in the newspaper. But newer movie are cool too.

I need to start moving away from my current job and into the fields I want to explore now more than ever.

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