Man charged with murder after shooting 16 year old robber
((OKLAHOMA CITY -- An Oklahoma City pharmacist who shot and killed a 16-year-old would-be robber was charged today with first-degree murder. An affidavit says 57-year-old Jerome Ersland shot Antwun Parker on May 19 while Parker was incapacitated and lying on his back.
Ersland has said he opened fire in self-defense.
Parker was shot once in the head and five times in the stomach area. An autops More..y determined Parker was still alive after being shot in the head. ))
I'm all for clerks and normal people fighting back against attackers and thugs, but I'm not sure about this one. This is because the kid was shot a few times after he was down on the floor.
Keep in mind, the kid was 16 years old and he wasn't the one armed. I wouldn't be second guessing my strong stance on crime (And, the fact people have the right to defend themselves and their property), but killing a teenager when he's on the floor is a bit much.
You don't shoot the kid after he was down.
However, it should be noted that once you go into a store with someone with a gun to rob the place, expect stuff to go down. When you think your gun is big, there's always someone with a bigger gun.
Did the kid deserve to be killed for his actions? No. But, the kid had no business going in the with intent of robbing the place either.
The victim's mother talks about the situation. I, again, thought I would disagree with this mother. Too many times they’ve been mothers talking about how good their children were even though they committed a crime. This mother however admits that she doesn’t know how her son got into this situation. She seems very level-headed about the incident.
One thing I think everyone can agree on is that DA made the right choice in arresting three more people with the crime of murder. Emanuel Mitchell and the 14 years that had the gun. (Update)
((Officers also arrested Emanuel Dewayne Mitchell, who they said drove the getaway vehicle. He is charged with the unauthorized use of a vehicle after felony conviction. ))
Why are these teens hanging out with a grown man? (The adults were 31 and 43)
((All three also are charged with conspiracy to commit armed robbery. The two men are charged with possession of a gun after a felony conviction. Both men have been in prison for robbery and assault. ))
The NAACP is involved, but I didn’t think they needed to be. The store guy is being charged. However, it would be nice if the NAACP focused on why so many of our young black men decide it would be okay to robbed someone with a gun. Why would a 16 year old think it would be all right steal?
We as the black community need to looking inward and start discussing these problems with our youth. Not everything can be blamed on racism. That's where NAACP needs to focus.
And to my surprise, a NAACP member pretty much said this. I was shocked.
(("These two kids made an egregious mistake," said the Rev. Reginald Mitchell, president of the Oklahoma City branch of the NAACP. "The community is going to have to take ownership. These are our problems." ))
More videos. This post has a different angle from the incident. There's a guy outside the store that completely uninterested the entire situation.