Here’s the comment,
((Anonymous said...
Jeez... Not one scrap of tangible fact. Not one reliable or known news source covered this "story." This is an urban legend...aka complete bunkum.))
This just cracks me up. Uh, it is true. But I guess you want me to prove there was a reliable source to the story. It came from the damn school newspaper.
Read on. (You can read it here!) For some reason, none of the local news channels talked about it and kept it under wraps.
It is not an Urban Legend.
((He went on to say that Manns had been "victimized and has suffered greatly from this personal tragedy."
Sharp also said that the photos, taken completely separate of the cheerleading squad, were pieced together on the Internet alongside photos of her in uniform on the Internet sites. "They had nothing to do with each other and this is not a positive thing for U of L cheerleading or for a young woman's life," Sharp said. ))
I like this bit.
((Sharp said that there are many Web sites and blogs online that have posted the photos and given a "poor reputation" to U of L.))
I wonder what blogs he's talking about.
((She has also voluntarily left the university and returned to her home state of Virginia. ))
And, yes I heard this was true too.
Here's a quote from her,
((“All of our workouts and practices lead up to nationals. It is always on our minds,” sophomore Name))
Side note: At one point, she did have a Wiki Page, but someone took it down.
I'd like to also point out, she also had her own presence on the Internet before the scandal broke.
So, no it wasn't a hoax or urban legend.
Anonymous commenter, you can officially go F-yourself.
Side note: Actually, a number of none Nude photos have turned up.
I'd personally like to interview her, but I'm guessing that won't happen.
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