What in all that is sane is this?
What kind of promotion is this? Why would someone think driving around with an oversized head in the back would be a positive promotion? I’m not sure how this oversized head will help promote awareness of Eddie’s new movie Meet Dave.
Now, I’m hearing that you can go inside he head too. Btw, you know that someone is going to deface this head.
I guess the joke is on us, because Eddie Murphy still makes shitty movies and people still go out to see them.
Check out this trailer
Look for Eddie in Beverly Hills Cop 4 too.
If I saw that thing on the highway, I would have to pull off, because I would frankly be afraid that I was having a psychotic break from reality. It is unreal, and freaky.
Yeah, I'd get worried someone slipped me some mushrooms.
I'd probably try to outrace it and hopefully pass it by.
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