Marky-Mark: “Damn it, Tim Burton followed me all the way here to ask me to join Planet of the Apes II: This Time we get it right.”
The Happening is not happening
After Lady in the Swimming Pool, the critics are out for blood this time around.
M. Night Shyamalan's new movie isn't receiving that many positive reviews for his latest movie. Listen, the movie is probably a turd, but it just feels like the critics are going out of their way to bash Shyamalan. I like bashing the guy myself, but this is going overboard. Just read some of the reviews, they're more about the director than the actual movie. (I'm guilty of this too, I just don't think MNS deserves all this bashing though. Certain directors deserve it like Ratner and Boll.)
There seem to be some directors that really bring the venom out of the critics, while others get ignored. MNS and the Wachowski brothers are the latest ones to receive an ass kicking so far. (But, we need to also blame Space Racer and The Happening too.) If they actually created good movies, the critics wouldn't pounce on them as much
I still think the Happening has a chance of making some cash purely because of the mass suicide factor. But this movie might go the way of Speed Racer.

thats soo painfully true:( what happened to him i mean the sixth sense, unbreakable, and the village ba3dain il garbage ili yaw 3ugb!! i used to love him oo honestly lama shift the happening 6ool il filim ga3da agol il mo5rij 7maaaaaaaar!! oo lama 5alas il filim ooo 7a6aw m night shaymalan .. chan ashhag!!:| i was like WTF!!!!!!!! what happened?:
I think he probably got too full of himself and started believe his own hype in the process, and I think the critics siege in on that.
Have you seen it yet? I decided to see it in spite of the bad reviews because I was curious about its story. In the end it was painful to watch, but I'll write about all that shortly.
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