Does Katherine Heigl passive aggressively want to leave the show?
(("I did not feel that I was given the material this season to warrant an Emmy nomination," she said in a statement released by her publicist Thursday. "In addition, I did not want to potentially take away an opportunity from an actress who was given such materials."))
Now, you might think she’s simply doing this so someone else can get a chance to receive the award, but I don’t buy it. This is a public slap in the face to the writers. While I’ve never seen an episode, I bet what she says is true, but why make it so public surrounding the Emmy story?
It just seems like a passive disrespect of the show. I’m fine with actors announcing their contempt for the direction of a show or character, but this feels like Heigl doesn’t want to do TV shows anymore and someone told her to make the story as big as possible by pulling out of the Emmy Awards.
Now, she won’t even talk about it. Sorry, you can’t have it both ways.
Remember, she made some stupid statements about ‘Knocked Up’ too.
Hey, I want to see the follow-up 28 Dresses.
I'm far from a Grey's Anatomy fan, but it's obvious her career would be floundering if she'd never landed her part on the show. However true it is that her storyline has gone to the crapper, what she said was very disrespectful.
I am a Grey's Anatomy fan.
If Heigel wants to leave it won't really affect the show. The storylines being written were horrible for her this season. It's true.
Sure she was disrespectful a little in calling out the material for her character as crap, she should find a better way to disagree with the show.
What everyone forgets is how hard
she had to fight to even get her contract renewed last season. She was the very last cast member to be resigned. Alot of that got hidden or forgotten due to the Washington/Knight issues in the media.
Supposedly, The word on the street here in L.A. is that the character was given crap storylines on producer orders to try and get even for the hardball Katherine had to play just to get resigned.
She's also had lots of movies pop up. I say let her go. Grey's honestly doesn't have much time left in it. I love it but it's declining rapidly.
I honestly think a lot of people forget her true side of the story.
Yvonne Tran: That’s one thing I forgot to bring up. The show gave her a lot attention and fame that she would have never received (though I think she is one of the more skilled actresses out there.)
I heard that her character ended up doing some stupid things this year.
I’m all for actors and actresses speaking their minds, but the way she did it by making a huge story out of it was disrespectful.
Mayren: Thanks for the heads up on the story behind the story.
I’ve heard many tales where the writers/producers attempt to get back an actor by writing bad material. That in itself is an underhanded way to stick it to them just as much as the stunt she pulled.
These types of in-battles just rip a TV show apart. You can get away with tension on a movie set, but on a TV show it just builds from week to week.
Agreed, they should let her go.
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