Random Things
~This guy gives some good thoughts about Meet the Spartans and the damage it has done. If you want to see how bad this is, check out this clip, holy crap.
~So, Bruce Willis is in negotiations to star in a Kane & Lynch film. Something tells me the movie might actually be better than the actual game. My logic works like this; if a game is merely a so-so game, the movie version has to be better. Right?
Let's just hope some reviewers don't lose their jobs because of negative reviews.
~The folks at the Agony Booth interviewed the founder of the Golden Raspberry Awards. It's an interesting read, so check it out. BTW, I'm looking forward to seeing The Hottie and the Nottie on the list. I found the story about Halle Berry's involvement to be an entertaining story, especially when she made statements that she'd do another Catwoman movie before word got out.
~Speaking of a bad movie, the douche bags (Jason Friedberg Aaron Seltzer) that brought you Date Movie and Epic Movie have fast-tracked another movie named Disaster Movie. Yes, they are currently filming this movie and are setting it up for an August 29, 2008 release date. That's only a few months away.
What is up with them casting Kimberly Kardashian in the movie?
Someone needs to stop these two directors. I'm thinking Bay and Boll should team up and take them out.
the whole WHATEVER movie thing has gotten so ridiculous, so stupid, so utterly lame that whoever keeps pushing them out needs to get hanged by the balls from the top of the empire state buildings...
actually, no. he's making money.
the people who actually GO WATCH THESE MOVIES need to hung by the balls from the empire state!
Agreed, sadly these movie make huge amounts of money, and cost nothing to make. Plus they can make these films in two months and then release it a month later.
I hate these films.
Kane and Lynch sounds good, i haven't seen much content of the game, but the grittiness and willis in it might sell it
Yeah, I think I'll be open minded about it. Heck, it might even work better as a movie than a VG
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