George Carlin RIP
George Carlin was certainly the guy I’m probably the most similar to for the simple reason I am just as cynical as he was. He would go off on these rants like it was no body’s business. So, I respected that about him. He spoke his mind, had something meaningful to say and made people laugh. If you can educate and entertain at the same time, then that’s half the battle.
That’s something some of these new comedians need to learn. It’s not about the product, but about bringing something important to our collective pop culture…something that will out live you. (People like Dane Cook need to know this.)
While I didn’t agree with some of his anti-society jokes and statements, he always had a convincing reason for every statement he’d make.
Hey, the guy was Mr. Conductor on Shining Time Station.
I will say this; I only wish I can live as long as he did and accomplish so much. The man died at 71. My claim to fame was working at a damn Kroger for a few years.
Anyway, read some of my peers' posts about George. They've done a better job conveying my feelings than I have.
Noone is better than you to express yourself. *huggles*
And in honor of Mr. Carlin, I laid the smackdown on someone in my comments.
Mayren: Why thank you
MC: This I have to see!
Dane Cook built his fan base the exact way Carlin did you dolt. Its a new time and certainly not the world Carlin grew up in but dont fault DC for that. He is making people laugh with deep thoughts and ideas like GC.
Hold on, so you're saying Myspace was around during George's early days? How was that possible? I believe that was one of the ways Mr. Cook boosted his fanbase. Then, again I'm no Dane Cook expert.
I'm sorry, Anon, but Dane Cook sucks ass. I guess you haven't seen some of his movies.
He was able to 'jump the shark' in a matter of years unlike many of his peers.
Btw, I don't take kindly to people calling me a dolt. I prefer being called asshole, stupid, idiot or bonehead.
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