Super Mario Brothers meet Milli Vanilli
Comment: You know a show has 'jumped the shark' when they include a special musical guest. But when your guest is Milli Vanilli, it goes beyond jumping the shark (jumping the King Koopa?). For some reason, the creators of this cartoon show thought it would be 'hip' to include everyone's favorite lip syncing group.
What does Milli Vanilli have to do with Super Mario Brothers? Nothing, but that didn't stop them from devoting an entire episode to them.
Was anyone here old enough to have seen the TV show called "Club Mario" with a host who looked like a wanna-be Captain Lou Albino?
They had a live host and cool theme song then they would jump to cartoons of Super Mario Bros. or Zelda.
I loved that show. I even remember the theme song.
oh yeah i remember that episode. it sucked even back then. ironically the lip singing scandal started right after that episode aired. lol
You have a good memory.
Lou Albano did the live action stuff at the beginning and ending of the cartoon show, playing Mario. He also did the voice of Mario in the show.
Later on, the show changed to Club Mario with two young surfers hosting the show. (I never saw the connection between surfers and the mario brothers.)
@ Paul: You're right, Paul. They originally had the music, but had to remove the music.
LOL I love that goofy expression on Milli Vanilli's face when they won the Grammy. They're like "What the hell????!!"
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