I have to commend the producers and writers for making this form of the future appear fun and interesting. We have flying cars and hoverboards everywhere. There is a pretty exciting hoverboard chase that resembles the skateboard chase in the first film, made even funnier when old Biff states this fact.
When we get to Mc Fly’s future house, its here the story foreshadows some plotlines that won’t be paid off until part III. I enjoyed seeing what the future home would look like, or at least before Microsoft takes over and nothing works. I thought it was a daring move to not pay off plot points until the third film.
Another nice little touch was Mc Fly nearly noticing the Time Machine returning after Biff took it for a spin. So, we close out the 2015 visit with Marty and Doc Brown returning to the present, except it isn’t their present time period.
1985 A (Alt-timeline)
I just loved this alt-1985. Empty houses and buildings with burning cars in the streets reminds me of some of the more crime infested cities of today. (Note: A deleted scene with Marty discovering his old high school was burned down is worth mentioning.) Seeing Mr. Strickland become a shotgun-carrying nut that has to defend his house from drive-by shooting was a funny joke. Thomas F. Wilson take on this Biff is worth watching too. He’s much more sinister than the 1955 one or isn’t broken down like the 2015.
I also liked that a simple idea has created this twisted version of 1985, thus showing how dangerous time travel can be if put in the wrong hands. The first movie dealt with only Marty’s existence, but this movie displays what can happen when we monkey around with time on a grand scale.


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