Random Things
~Hacksaw Jim Duggan: I know a guy that looks like a younger version of the 2X4 carrying wrestler from the 80s. Every time I see him, I picture a damn 2x4 in his hands. I remember watching this old music video of Mr. Duggan on a Saturday morning WWF show. It was lame back in the day, and even lamer now. By the way, Mr. Duggan still wrestles, but just on the independent trail.
~Montana Fishburne checked herself into an inpatient facility: Okay, we knew there was something wrong with her, and it looks like she even knew she was a little loopy. Anyone that thinks doing hardcore porn as a great way of getting famous isn't working on all cylinders.
~Father takes on bullies for making fun his daughter: The father jumped on the bus and went after the bullies. Yes, what he did was kind of wrong, but I understand the rage. If someone threw condoms on my daughter, I'd totally flip out. On the other hand, you have to teach your children to take care of themselves and stand up to bulling. While I don't agree with violence for the sake of violence, sometimes you have to defend for yourself.
~Spartacus: Blood and Sand: Any Whitfield is leaving the show he stars in. He won't be returning for the second season of the show Spartacus. This has to do with the fact his cancer has returned. Having a very close family member battle cancer as well, I understand what he's going through. Starting out, I wasn't a huge fan of the show, but the last preview episode I saw was pretty good. The show was starting to become interesting. I'm not sure how the show can go on considering that he is the main star.
~Bristol Palin dancing: Am I the only not caring about Bristol Palin dancing on that show? While I've never seen a single episode of that show, it seems like they're slumming it if they consider Bristol a star.
~Check out these Star Wars Propaganda posters. I really like the Empire ones. You could almost see the Empire placing these around different locations.
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