Brand New Terms
I wanted to get around to doing a few new terms from the Urban Dictionary.
Let’s go
((Thrift whore: a person who shops at many different thrift stores, thereby often finding wonderful deals.))
Comment: Sadly, I’m one of those guys that hangs out at the thrift stores. I usually stock up on energy drinks. You get to see some very interesting people walking through a thrift store. I had a woman beg me for some money while rolling through one. Doesn’t that defeat the point of being in a thrift store?
((Dweet: (verb) tweeting while intoxicated))
Comment: It’s bad enough to tweet when sober, but adding alcohol to the twittering just seems wrong to me. Dweetting gives you an even bigger illusion of your importance.
((cheappuccino: Any of the wide variety of flavored coffee drinks offered at convenience stores such as Circle K or 7 Eleven that can be purchased for less than half the price of a Starbucks cappuccino.))
Comment: I’m not a coffee drinker, but I’ve always wondered why people even bother with Starbucks given the high prices on their overhyped coffee. Plus, you don’t have to deal with their insane alt-size names.
((I'm picking the corn out your shit: 2) Hearing the main points of a conversation, lecture or instructions and filtering out the rest))
Comment: Uh, what? Just try saying that to your professor and see what happens. I’ve never heard of this one before. Corn is delicious, but I’m not going to pick it out of poop. Now, actual gold… What a strange metaphor.
((lap flaps: the pieces of paper that fall out of magazines into your lap. ))
Comment: I hate opening up new magazines and having an avalanche of these promotional flaps falling to the floor. These flaps were the popups of their time. Do they think people actual read these flaps as the down on the floor. I might use one as a coaster or something.
((powerdisking: Watching several episodes of a TV show in a row, usually from a DVD box set. This can be done over several evenings, or a marathon weekend.))
Comment: I do this all the freaking time. Right now, I’m going through the third season of Babylon 5. I remember watching the first season of 24 the same way. I flew through a whole bunch of discs on weekend and being blown away with the show. (Lost was the same way for the first and second seasons)
I would have never called those lap flaps. I would have made that apply to something completely different.
Yeah. it could be a completely different take with the words "Lap Flaps". We need to come us with another term for these leaflets
Lap Flaps- How about PAGE STOPPERS?
you can't leaf through your mag without stopping at the thick cardboard postcards, right?
Anon: Correct, I usually plan the "flaps" on the shelf with the rest of the lost flaps.
MC: "Maga-shrapnel vs. Lap Flaps". now that sounds like a monster movie from one of those crappy Asylum Films studio movies. I think you might have a winner there, you might want to put it on the urban dictionary.
Mine would be Mag-droppings or Mag Speed bumps.
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