Tila Tequila had one hell of a night. I don’t think anyone deserves the violence that happened to her yesterday and the people involved need to be arrested. But, when you show up surrounded by crazy Juggalos, you can expect them to do these sorts of things. They are ICP fans after all.
Tila Tequila and ICP does not sound like the greatest match to me, and someone from her camp should have said something about this and turned down the gig. But, of course she has to have the limelight on her all the time, so she shows up to anything that will have her.
The main problem is Tila is soaking up all the attention by posting more and more pictures. She hasn’t been in the news for a while and this has boosted her right back up there. That’s what these attacking Juggalos don’t understand. You’re feeding a fame troll.
From CNN, (("I went onstage and immediately, before I even got on stage, dudes were throwing huge stone rocks in my face, beer bottles that slit my eye open, almost burnt my hair ... cuz they threw firecrackers on stage," she wrote. ))
((Tequila continued to perform even after her face started bleeding, he said. "She was holding a towel to her head, blood pouring down her face," he said. ))
She probably should have taken a cue from Nickelback and left the stage before it got any worst.
What is even better about the story is her Tweets leading up to the incident and after.
On Aug 13 ((Whoohoo! On my way to airport!!! Can't wait to perform at the concert tonight!!! Holla Juggalos and Juggalettes!!! Lol ))
She seems so excited to see a bunch of angry guys and girls in clown makeup.
((Just landed in Chicago!! Almost Time for the Juggalos Gathering!! Woohoo! Wut yall doin? ))
Thanks for the update, Tila. If only you're future self could have warned you on what was ahead.
((Touchdown!! I'm finally here! Tom Green was on my flight cuz he will be doing a show at the Juggalos too! Then we got engaged! Haha ))
Tom Green and Tila Tequila, sounds like the match made in hell. If I was on that flight with those two, I'd probably pull a Steven Slater too. By the way, who thought it was an good idea to have Green and Tequila at this thing? Was it the has-been concert?
((Headed to the Juggalos Gathering right now!! Woohoo!! Gonna be fucking insane!!!! Holllaaa juggalos! Ya girl luvs ya! ))
I can just see her texting this story through her pink phone and being all excited. Little did she know...
((Go to www.tmz.com violence against women like myself or anyone for that matter is not ok! Lawsuit is pending. ))
Violence for the sake of violence isn't right against anyone, Tila. I'm against violence against women, but aren't many of your songs about “messing people up”?
((Thank you everyone for your support. The people at Juggalos behavior was disgusting and I am filing a suit against Them now. Thanks 4 ur luv ))
((Pretty soon the owners who run the Juggalos will be bankrupt. My attorney Alan is already on it. This is disgusting behavior from men. ))
Sadly, this is another sad event in her life that has made headlines. When will her 15 minutes of fame run out? But, even Tila didn't deserve this treatment.
Tila Tequila Attack at Gathering of the Juggalos Video:
Well, that's just Tracey Smothers getting shit thrown at him and not Tila. There has to be video of this stuff.
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