Steven Slater: A Real American Hero?
First off, I used to work in retail and had to deal with some shitty customers in my time. Hell, I have former co-workers that still work in that field and pretty much spend most of their time off the front-end floor and spend it in the backrooms. So, when I heard about Flight Attendant Steven Slater's plight, I had to feel for this guy.
Steven Slater had a bad day at work. From cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com, ((One passenger stood up to fetch belongings from the overhead compartment before the crew had given permission. Mr. Slater instructed the person to remain seated. The passenger defied him. Mr. Slater approached and reached the passenger just as the person pulled down the luggage, which struck Mr. Slater in the head. ))
That was when Slater demanded a simple “I'm sorry.” The rude passenger cussed Slater out instead.
From NY Daily News.com, On the loud speaker, (("To the f-----g a--hole who told me to f--k off, it's been a good 28 years," Slater, 38, purred, cops said. "I've had it. That's it," he added, a passenger said.))
He then grabbed his bags and some beers and released the emergency exit, and gleefully hopped out of the plane. Now, that's the way to quit your job. How did the rude passenger feel after this incident?
Anyway, the police arrested him a bit later.
We've all wanted our final moments with a company to be memorable, but I think Slater's exit was the best.
My only problem with this story is that you don't let assholes ruin your day or your life. “Don't feed the trolls.”
Here's his Linkedin page: He's had a long career in the Airline Industry. It's funny that it still list JetBlue as his current employment. Time to up that thing, buddy.
His Myspace page: It is kind of an eyesore. There is a map that shows all the countries he's visited. It's kind of sad to know that he won't be visiting anymore countries.
Yo, Slater!

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