The Digg Patriots (the La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo)
This month, someone discovered a group of conservative Internet users that organized to bury stories that supported the left or attacked the right side of political field on the popular site Digg. It has been reported that they also went after Digg users that were considered liberal.
From the site above, ((A group of nearly one hundred conservatives have banded together on a Yahoo Group called Digg Patriots (DP), and a companion site at coRanks to issue bury orders and discuss strategies to censor Digg and other social media websites. DP was founded on 21 May 2009. Since then, over 40,000 posts have been logged at a steady rate of around 3000-4000 per month. The “Patriots” Network on coRank is a tool to submit Diggs to a group list as opposed to sending an e-mail every time. It also has some tools that make submitting to the list as easy as clicking on a bookmark. The DP membership includes the following Digg users (among others):))
What is funny is that Digg has done away with the “bury” feature that these Digg Patriots exploited for about a year. Now, Digg-up only has the Digg button. I personally would like to see Google do something like this, because I think Google gives too much power to people to mistreat the certain features.
Maybe we need Snake to get rid of these “Patriots”.
I'm glad to see the bury button go bye-bye myself, but this bogus "Massive Right Wing Conspiracy to Censor Digg" meme was debunked the day after it was published.
Those in the know say the AlterNet "investigator" is, to put it politely, the worst possible kind of troll.
My question is: What browser/screen res should I be using to make the "New" Digg even partly readable?
So, Brooke, you wouldn't happen to belong to a Facebook group that supports a site called Conservative Diggs and Buries, would you?
Why yes, it looks like it does, and you've just created a group at Facebook called The Digg Patriots. Very interesting.
Let's look at the description of the Conservative Diggs and Buries group, shall we (I shall bold things for emphasis):
"D&B exists to organize and direct conservatives to the news they should read, and then digg or bury.
Not only will this increase the news awareness of this community, but it will serve as a means for counterbalancing what is widely perceived as the dramatically liberal lean of Digg. Having prophetic and articulate conservative journalists does no good if no one reads their work. From a business perspective, the more views conservative stories get, the more revenue their publications can collect from those who advertise on the website.
Let me stress, this is a community. Stories on Digg only get more exposure if they are widely dugg. Conversely, stories are only buried if they are widely... well... buried. We must work together in a coordinated effort to restore balance to the mainstream media (MSM) which has unjustly given a bigger microphone to the Left. Social media like Digg represent the best opportunity to filter out the propaganda of the ideologically motivated MSM, and democratize the news.
Every article we digg isn’t guaranteed to become wildly popular… but if we don't make the effort to coordinate, we’re robbing ourselves of creating that possibility. The conservative perspective deserves just as much exposure as liberalism; D&B will help to increase that exposure."
You were saying?
Brooke: So are you a part of the La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo? Has S3 program stated yet?
All joking aside, I personally like the new Digg because it still gives people a chance to Digg or disregard. I don't want any group knocking down stories to further their agenda left or right. We can agree there are organized efforts to bring down people whom they disagree with. Remember all those Thumb-down bots on YouTube?
MC: You sir, are a God among men. Damn, you're on your game.
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