So, there I was standing between two polices cars with my bike parked on the street. I stood there and was just upset about the whole thing. Mixed with anger and nervousness, I decided to sit down on the curb and just rest, because I wasn’t going anywhere. I had planned on going through the Highlands over to U of L and then back to the Riverfront Park, but that plan was shot.
“Well, I am a student and I work,” I said, as if that made a difference.
“We’ll check on your info,” the policeman said. He began to talk on his radio as he held my ID. He went inside his car and brought out a sheet of paper and began to write down stuff on it. I’m not even sure what he wrote.
We had some small talk while we waited for the radio guy to respond back. But, the tension was still there. I should also note that they were as nice as can be given the circumstances. I can tell these cops probably took racial sensitivity classes, because they seemed to be holding back. You usually get an attitude whenever you have to deal with police officers, and especially when you’re black.
They got the call back and I had a clean record, naturally.
The male cop handed me back my ID. “You’re just a hard working guy riding his bike. You’re all clear,” he said, nodding. “We’re sorry about that.”
After a few more words between us, he said, “If you see anything strange, please notify us.”
I shrugged. “I come through here all the time. I’m sure you’ve seen me here before. I see you guys all the time.”
He nodded. “Yeah, I’ve seen you riding through here before. We just had to double check.”
I was still a little upset over the situation, but it could have been a lot worst.
He looked over at my bike and pointed. “That’s a nice looking bike there.”
I kind of got a chuckle out of it because everyone says that about my bicycle. I get more props about my bike more than anything else.
They let me go and I went back to Riverfront Park and back to my car. I was still a little upset for being stopped while riding my bike, and the fact they kind of boxed me in when they pulled me over. But, a part of me understands why they did it. I want cops stop more crimes and less petty speeding and traffic tickets, but not when they stop an innocent man.
Anyway, I didn’t end up in jail or get into anything that bad. And, now every police officer in that “city/town” knows me. I also got a wave from the male cop that pulled me over in the first place two days ago when I rode through there. So, it ended well.
I just thought the story was rather interesting. I’m always witnessing strange things while on my bike anyway.
Well, since you have been posting in the interim, I figured it was a happy ending of some sort.
That'll teach you to wear black shoes...
I'm just glad it didn't end uglier than it did. It can be a very stressful thing to be stopped by a cop, even when you haven't done a thing.
Megan: LOL, funnily enough, I switched to white shoes for my ride through that area on SAT.
Sean: Yeah, you remember when I got stopped for "Drunk Driving" last year, even though I've never touched an ounce of alcohol.
They let me go there too.
The same treatment happens to white people dude. My friends been harrassed while riding his bike, I've been harrassed while going on runs and cycling. Cops harass the shit out of anyone they can.
What really sucks is the time I ran through a stop sign on my bike and got pulled over. I was like right in front of my house when they caught up to me and hit the lights. I'm sure my neighbors enjoyed watching that shit.
And I HATE being interupted during a run. I know I run early at 3am but come on Sherlock I've got arm band ipod, runnng shorts, running shoes, brightly colored clothes and am not carrying a DVD player or crack pipe. It's fucking obvious what I'm doing and not suspicious in the least. I always hate when they follow you then BAM hit you with the spot light.
Last time I was stopped it was a bicycle cop. I didn't hear them and didn't see any head lights I was just running a long then BOOM flashlight in my eyes. What a fucking dick.
I went back and read your first half of the story. I've had that excuse used on me too. More than likely they were stopping you because they thoght you looked shifty which skin color may have played into that but I've been stopped under simmilar circumstances.
Me and a friend were walking back to my house and it was probably 2 in the morning and we look like unscrupulous characters so I know they just stopped us to be stopping us and check for warrants. The cops excuse was two guys fitting our description were breaking into cars and stealing shit and if he finds out anything in that area was missing he'd come and get us! Bullshit. He just wanted to check us for warrants without any legal reason to and saw we weren't doing shit and had to let us go. Cops are just guys doing a job...some are pricks some arent.
I've seldomly had a cop get rude though...basically as long as you don't act like a dick they won't treat you like one. Has been my experience.
yeah, there are a lot of dickish cops out there. After getting pulled over by that PD, I was worried the Louisville Metro PD would pull me over too, because they're close to each other.
In Louisville, usually they never bother you while riding bikes. I've followed a PD Bicyclist through a red light before. That's it seems strange they pulled me over.
Thanks for telling your encounters with cops too.
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