Remember the Rap Chop video? (Real ad now?)
Well, it went viral and now Vince Offer has officially endorsed the video. Plus, the Rap Chop remix is going to be shown on live TV. DJ Steve Porter has found himself famous now and he deserves it.
((His fun forays into video remixing — which also include the much-buzzed-about sports press conference mash-up "Press Hop" — have turned into a cottage industry for him: He has teamed up with Slap Chop pitchman Offer to create official remixes, and the exposure also scored him a job doing remixes for FedEx. ))
Now, he's going to do more remixes for Mr. Offer. Keep in mind the TV viewing audience is a little more Matlock centered and might not understand what the heck is going on.
I guess Vince has come out of hiding, after beating a call girl up, and taken his place as the major pitchman.
I also think they're going to make the Jam Wow remix too.
I think this is great for advertising, because most ads usually suck.
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