Garbage Day! (Silent Night, Deadly Night 2)
People at work wanted to see this clip and here it goes. Out of context, it is rather jarring and goofy. In context, is rather jarring and goofy. There’s no way to explain the logic because there is no logic.
Here’s a poor sap just taking out his garbage and someone yells out, “Garbage Day!” and shoots him. Did the guy need to yell out Garbage Day before shooting him?
Here’s what happens leading up to Garbage Day.
Yes, that was pretty stupid.
What was up with the goofy cop and why does he have a different uniform than the other cops?
Anyway, Garbage Day has become a popular meme across the Internet.
However, the credit for the terrible scene should go to the lead actor Eric Freeman. His IMDB page shows that he only has 7 projects to his name. My favorite is Ghost Writer as “Guy #1”. Wiki mentions that the producers tried to get him to come back for a commentary on the DVD, but he has disappeared. His last role was in 1992.
I still think Troll 2 is worse.
If I was going to question the integrity of anything in the longer form of that scene, it is the part of the car. That was just ridiculous.
I have to agree the troll 2 is just purely bad on all levels.
And the car thing just pushes it over the edge. The goofy cop is my favorite part.
Ah man, that was just so bad. I loved the bit when he flashbacked to the nun when the woman screamed at him.
I tried watching this movie all the way through and couldn't finish it. there are at lest five sequels.
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