AT&T vs. 4Chan
On Sunday, all hell almost broke loose. Was an Internet War about to erupt?
From PC World,
((On Sunday AT&T blocked access to portions of 4chan.org, an image-board Web site that allows users to post uncensored images and content anonymously. Soon after the blockade was detected by 4chan.org its founder Christopher "Moot" Poole posted a statement to the 4chan site complaining about AT&T's actions and urged 4chan users to "call or write (AT&T) customer support and (AT&T) corporate immediately" to complain about the blocking.))
The blocking of certain portions of the site 4Chan ended up causing a major s’storm. At first, I started to get this feeling that other service providers were going to start blocking unappealing (to them) sites. If someone pays for a service, there shouldn’t be any censoring.
One thing I had always given America points for was that it didn’t attempt to block sites they see as indecent. There are countries out there that block all kinds of sites for negligible things. Remember, there is that Great Firewall of China. On the surface, it looked like AT&T decided to censor the web from their members by blocking 4chan.
4chan members and its allies were all set to attack AT&T. There were a few opening shots.
Was the censoring really the case?
AT&T says it blocked the site because of denial of service attacks (DOS).
This is from the Associated Press,
((The phone company blocked access to 4chan on Friday to protect broadband customers from a "denial of service" attack, which floods targets with meaningless traffic, AT&T spokesman Michael Coe said Monday.
On Sunday, AT&T concluded that the attack was over and restored access.))
Christopher Poole, the man behind 4chan, confirms the attack and the AT&T block. And, it is good to see an ISP attempt to stop its users from getting attacked. But, the company could have handled it just a little better.
(("In the end, this wasn't a sinister act of censorship, but rather a bit of a mistake and a poorly executed, disproportionate response on AT&T's part," Poole said. ))
Well, it was a minor screw up with AT&T/4chan and that's it. The Internet War will have to wait.
If there is one positive thing to come out of this incident, it showed that people weren’t going take this blocking without a fight or noise. Because we all know that day will be coming soon.
1 comment:
And once again, it NEVER fails with the incessant lying, as lying is a way of life for these hacker creeps. I salute AT&T for blocking viruses, trojans and nasty spider scripts, as that is what the REAL truth is as to WHY AT&T has flashed the middle finger [blocked] to 4 Chan. Why should AT&T waste time and energy in dealing with viruses, trojans and uncontrollable script programs emanating from the 4 Chan site?
I don't condone censorship and I certainly don't condone lies "in the name of lulz". The only thing 4 Chan has proven again and again, is that they are infantile and violent. A bunch of two year olds who go on tirades. And just like an out of control two year old, they need some REAL hard slaps from the school of hard knocks.
Any consequences or denial of internet access to AT&T customers due to NAZI actions emanating from 4 Chan [or any other hacker creeps for that matter], I pray that they are caught, rounded up, prosecuted beyond the extent of the law, thrown in a windowless cell and locked up forever until the day they die.
I commend AT&T for taking the step forward and I sincerely hope that other ISP'S follow suit ASAP. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Hackers cause destruction, chaos, waste everyones time and energy. Normal people on the net are SICK AND TIRED of these two year old tantrum antics that 4 Chan displays on a daily basis. These hacker creeps really and truly need to GROW THE F*** UP.
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