Hello, Ben Afflect. Welcome to the real world.
Ben finally comes out and admits that his relationship with Jennifer Lopez was bad for him and his career. I love how he describes it too.
From the link above,
(("I got lost. I felt suffocated, miserable and gross. I should never have gone down that route or got sucked in to all the publicity," Ben confesses. ))
Calling your time with J-Lo gross and suffocating sums up everything. She dressed him up and cut his hair and made him in her own image of what a man should be. He became a major tool. All the pictures of him with her seemed to tell the story. He looked miserable.
Plus, he should have never showed up in that damn J-Lo music video.
When a woman starts dressing you, it might be a time to start thinking about an exit route.
I think he really traded up when he met Jennifer Garner.
agreed. Garner isn't full of herself and thinks the world circles around her. J-lo certainly married down with her current hubby.
J-lo would make my hate list but she hasnt done anything in a while.
The truth is the truth; he looks really tense and uncomfortable around her. Bad "acting job" all the way around
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