Black Eyed Peas do suck, but this is even worst. (A slight rant)
The Hate by numbers guy rips them a new one. I've never liked any of their songs. Plus, I really don't find Fergie that attractive to begin with. Some would call her a butter face, but I'm not that mean. She certainly has a kick ass body. (Great, I'm sounding like Perez Hilton.) They're group represents that is wrong with modern music. I guess when they're not beating up wimpy bloggers, they're making terrible songs.
I wonder if Fergie ever mentions that she had a role in Mr. T's Be Somebody... or Be Somebody's Fool! ? Is she proud of it?
You can watch her here (She's the little girl in the pink.) She is in this clip (16 seconds mark). She receives some points for hanging with Mr. T. It is interesting to see her turn from an innocent girl to what she is today. (A woman taking about her lovely lumps.)
Black Eyed Peas, please don't act me too.
(side note: Fergie also showed up in a Barbie Commercial , and I actually remember watching this ad too)
I like one BEP song... Weekend, and that's only because of Esthero.
I'll have to check it out. I had to look up what Esthero was, I've never heard of it.
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