Every year, around this time, there is a big event that opens up to the derby activities. This big event is called Thunder Over Louisville. It is one of the largest fireworks shows in the US; believe me. The fireworks go off with music, perfectly timed.
When I was younger, I used to go to this event all the time. I actually enjoyed watching the show; I didn’t really care for the air show. However, as I grew older and more standoffish, I began disliking the crowds of drunken zombies that gathered near the riverfront park. This year, I didn’t go to Thunder, and I’m glad I didn’t. Here’s why…
2006 "Thunder Country"
I’m not watching anything country.
Part of the air show, some jet…

Uh, fireworks, lots of them…
This was part of the clean up.
BTW, I swear this is the Can Lady that had all those cans on the highway, you know the same one that I mistreated.
I want to know what’s so funny, so I can be caught on camera looking goofy too.
This is the reason I didn’t go, people packed in like cattle, and smelling far worst too. Count me out.

Do you have to have your shirt off? Please, you’re scaring the children, and blinding me.
I thought the woman in the front was big; look at the guy in the far right. He could eat the entire Thunder Over Louisville show and have room for next years show. Note: Check out the woman on the phone in the background. "Like I was Totally there and like I was like, like, like, like…”

Sorry kid, that doesn’t work, I tried it last week.
Great, those horns are annoying and some little brat gets one and won’t stop blowing the thing around me. I loathe kids and horns
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