Ten More things…
11) I used to be a huge Transformers fan. I had many of the toys, too bad they’re all gone.
12) My second home during childhood was in Memphis. I spent half my summers there, because most of my father's side of the family lives there.
13) I have a knack of singing old 80s and 90s songs at random times for no reason. Usually people will join me in the singing.
14) My smartass remarks were legendary in high school. Teachers and students hated my negative attitude. Which made me happy...
15) I’ve had someone threaten to shoot me before. Fun stuff.
16) I’ve had a Ex-Marine threaten to kill me if he saw me outside of work. (Separate incident from the one above).
17) The first girl I really fell in love with went by the name of Latoya F. Like all my life stories, it didn’t end happy. Nothing ever does.
18) I didn’t go to my Senor Prom. I was so enraged with the social structure in high school that I didn’t want to be part of any social event. Plus, most of the women were shallow there…
19) I used to work in the produce department in Kroger.
20) I’ve been in three fights.
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