Have you ever thought to yourself?: Boy I’d like to drink some Steven Seagal
Well, here’s your chance with Steven Seagal's energy drinks called Lightning Bolt- Get Charged! http://www.lightningdrink.com/
The great people at http://www.agonybooth.com have taken the time to review this Kung-fool legend’s energy drinks.
Comment: What’s next? A Chuck Norris diet pill?
I think I need to come out with my own energy drink; James’ Speed Dial: the energy drink that gets you off the sofa and into the kitchen.
I've tasted the "cherry charge" (red) flavor. In the course of my energy-drinking life, this was the one energy drink that I could not will myself to finish, and I've had some pretty bad energy drinks. Also, Steven Segal just looks weird on the can.
You're right that picture of him glaring at the drinker is creepy.
I bet it makes your ponytail extra shiny.
and make every film release made Direct to video.
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