Newsflash Jolene Blalock is still hot.
Comment: While I wasn’t always a fan of her acting, she was a very outspoken critic of the powers that be on Star Trek: Enterprise. She has publicly stated that Berman and Brannon should have walked away from the show. Because she was a huge Star Trek fan, she felt she needed to state her displeasure with the direction the franchise was taking. You go, girl! And, you’re hot.
(("Without my Vulcan cat suit, Frankenstein wig and pointed ears, I don't get recognized," Jolene Blalock (T'Pol) explained, even though she has posed undressed for several magazines.))
It’s okay. I’d recognize you. Maybe we can go out sometime…
Though I am a big Star Trek fan (I best like TNG), I did not like the latest series - Enterprise.
Star Trek was always about the future - new technologies, social issues. I didn't see that in Enterprise.
I am so dissapointed that Star Trek writers had to turn to sex to get people to watch the show. Sure, ST: Voyager had Jerri Ryan, but she was a lot more subtle.
BTW, Jolene also guessed starred in an episode of StarGate-SG1 on an episode called Birthright.
I plan to blog more about Star Trek and Stargate on my blog as soon as I get the chance.
You're right about sex thing, the ratings started to take a dip and they headed for the Seven of Nine.
I grew up on TNG, but I am a Niner for real. I leaned toward the social stuff in DS9.
Thanks for dropping by.
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