Plot Outline: Q tries to prove that Picard needs him as part of their crew by hurling the Enterprise 7,000 light years away where they encounter the Borg for the first time.
Man, this episode was written during the rather shaky second season of the TNG. The Borg were introduced for the very first time on this EP, even though we got to see their aftermath in a first season episode. John de Lancie played Q in a dead serious way in this episode, hell he’s almost scary. I also enjoyed the interesting banter between Q and Guinan.
The Borg are some of the best villains to come out of the modern trek era, only to be upstaged by the Dominion. Too bad VOY turned them into the Ewoks of Star Trek
Picard is seen as being down right stubborn in this episode and he sees the error of his ways at the end, which is a good character development moment. It should also be noted 18 people died when Picard refused to listen to Q and go back. I also liked how Picard treated Q when he was ‘Kidnapped’ by him.
The FX and space battles were done very well, at least for the time that they were created. The Borg ship cutting up the Enterprise was a highlight of the episode.
This episode really stands out from the rest of the rather mundane second season, and if you ever get a chance, watch it.
Grade B+
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Rob Bowman directed this episode. He also went on and directed Elektra.
The extremely cute Lycia Naff played the goofy Ensign Sonya Gomez. She became ‘famous’ for her role in Total Recall. She was the three-breasted hooker that gets shot in the back by (see you at the party) Richter. She hasn’t acted in anything since 91, ouch.

i did not even realize it was her. TNG still has its surprises. Do you think Gomez was originally written to be a return character in that episode? And I wish they explained later on in the show about what happened between Guinan and Q.
She was in one more episode. The ep where Westley goes on that shuttle trip with picard, the Plakled episode. She looked really cute in her second episode.
But, yeah she was supposed to be a returning character like O'brien , but the porducers hated her preformance, and she quickly disappeared.
You're right there seems to be some really bad blood between Q and Guinan. Sadly we'll probably never know.
What young actor/actress wasn't a random Enterprise ensign?
I like this episode a lot; I've got it on tape as part of a Borg collection from TNG. Too bad Voyager completely screwed up the entire Borg storyline, same as everything else that show ruined.
I need to pick up the borg collection thats out on dvd.
You know whats funny is many of these small ensign/Lt. actors have gone to bigger things, aka Mrs Judd/ hatcher
And yet, as you posted before, Kirstie Alley was still the hottest random Trek extra in the 80s. IMHO, of course.
lol, i can agree with you there.
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