What happened to Ja-Rule?
Remember when Ja-Rule, well…ruled? You couldn’t turn on the radio without hearing that harsh voice in some damn song. I still remember, “Every thug needs a lady.”
As I look toYahoo Answers for answers, I came across this answer to the question.
From “help me God im in hell”
((50 cent knocked his lameass off the block! How do you not know that! Ja rule is a phony ))
That may be true, but it appears Ja Rule is done with that 50 Cent beef they've had over the years. And, even 50 Cent has moved on to bigger fish to beef with. (Did I just use two food metaphors in the same sentence?)
Of course the other amusing answer I discovered was this one from Wiki Answers.
((He realised the feud between himself an 50 cent was just built up sexual tension. After a passionate reconsile, they are now in a monogamous homosexual relationship and are considering adopting a child from Malawi ))
Uh, something tells me this isn't the real answer to my question.
However, the current answer to my question is he doing a new album called "The Mirror: Reloaded". Plus, he’s doing a movie called Co2.
Anyway, I personally blame Steven Seagal for Ja Rule’s career imploding. That’s right I’m talking about Half Past Dead. It was the other movie Steven Seagal co-stared with a frog-sounding rapper, the other being DMZ. Half Past Dead is a crappy movie. When Ja Rule is a better actor than you, it’s time to give it up.
And, who can forget this “hardcore” team up with Jennifer Lopez
Btw, J-Lo is looking really good in this video.
Does every thug need a lady though?
I thought Ja Rule disappeared because he sucked... I mean, seriously, people were paying to hear him rap? That's insane. That voice... oy, it gives me nightmares just thinking about it.
It was probably a mixture of Seagal, Mr. Rule sucking, and 50 Cent ripping him a new one.
Yeah, his voice can be scary. I always view Mr. Rule as a baby version of DMZ.
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