Ashley Dupre gets an advice column?
Do you remember Ashley Dupre? She was the 'call girl' that was caught up in the Governor Eliot Spitzer scandal. This was the woman that used to get paid for a living to bang older rich guys such as the Governor.
From USA Today, ((Ashley Dupre, the former Manhattan call girl who brought down New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer, is now an advice columnist for The New York Post. ))
So, what type of past skills does a former call girl have to become a advice columnist? Well not much other than banging old men and getting paid for it. Yes, she's hot, but so are many chicks that work at Starbucks. That doesn't mean we give them columns in a major news company. What about writing skills and other things like say...not being a hooker?
Sure, the New York Post is trash, but it is run by Rupert Murdoch. Why is an usually conservative company letting a woman responsible for breaking up marriages get a professional job giving advice?
This sends a bad message to younger women; don't worry about going to school or finding skills to work and live on your own terms. Just sleep your way to the top. We've learned that being a slut is very profitable. Just look at all the women Tiger has paid off. What happened to teaching young women to get ahead with hard work and not “giving head”?
Maybe she is qualified to give advice because she was in the delightful film series Girls Gone Wild.
Sigh, if you want to read her advice column, check it out here.
What happened to Ashley's singing career? (I mean her songs were so outstanding)

Money is more important than principles with Murdoch though. The reason his stuff has that slant is because there was money in doing so. If it seemed like swinging towards the middle was going to be the most profitable use of NewsCorp's resources, rest assured Fair and Balanced would no longer be a comical slogan over there.
And there is money in selling sex and scandal, so again, that trumps the conservative cause (but didn't she take a Democrat down anyway?)
Yeah, i think you hit the nail in the head. I don't understand why the more conservative people at FOX (the hosts of those shows) don't attack some of the more anti-family shows and stuff that is mostly shown on the FOX networks. FX is one of the most intense networks on cable right now, not that I am complaining.
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