Another shout-out from a cool site (Know Your Meme)
Since 2005, I’ve been blogging for a long time, so it is always a treat when someone or some site notices me. I’ve had my share of wanted and unwanted attention over the years. But, it is always a treat to have a site I read regularly actually use me as a reference!
That's right, I was linked to a page that explains the meme “I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am”. They linked to me from a post I did back on June, 2005 It was my Wil Wheaton vs, Shatner post from almost five years ago. Man, that was a long time ago.
Anyway, I'd like thank Know Your Meme for the mention.

Yes, she is hot, but you can never have her.

This is a prime example of a Band Nerd. Hell, no one looks good in a band uniform. I wonder if this guy knows he's a meme. Band Nerd from Urban Dictionary, ((a person with no school activities other than band. A person who talks obsessively about the band and the directors. Usually wears fog dog musicwear shirts and makes odd noises saying it is music. They like to congegate in groups and talk about band. They are usually never alone out of fear of rejection and never wonder far from the band hall they also are very nasty closet freaks in large numbers on the band bus where crazy things happen. ))
I feel sorry for this SOB.

By the way, I still get a kick out of this story from the link above about the police chief in Edmonton. I love the fact his ego is so huge that he has investigators looking into who posted these photos of the Meme. Make sure to read about this guy here. It just goes to show that there are at least some cops out there that have a sense of humor.
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