Monday, February 02, 2009

Christian Bale goes nuts!

Christian Bale goes nuts!

Listen to audio here!

Man, Batman is pissed. TMZ posted it first.

Some people might say he’s acting like a diva here, but I’m calling him a badass. He threatens to kick the dude’s ass and knock over his lights. This is a great freak out. And, I'm not going to attack Christian because I've had days like this.

Now, other news pages are reporting the outburst!

((It happened after director of photography Shane Hurlbut apparently walked through the set of "Terminator: Salvation," distracting the actor in the middle of a big scene. ))

I laughed when Christian Bale calls out “McG” and you realize it is a silly name.

Here's Shane Hurlbut Something tells me he won't be working on the movie after this.

It'll probably get removed, but here's the youtube version.

At one point, you can tell Bale was truly ready to beat him down.


Yvonne Tran said...

Poor Shane - but that was fucking hilarious :)

Semaj said...

That was great. I can hear it over and over again. Bale is ready to lay into the guy.

I feel bad for the guy too.

Yvonne Tran said...

^ They're already doing remixes.

First two minutes are worth it!

PJ said...

Now that was hilarious. I loved how his accent went all over the place. It was just so over the top. I love his acting, but I must conclude that he's a real knobcake.

Semaj said...

Yvonne: That was a great remix. I'd actually dance to this song. It only took them a day to make a remix. Thanks for the heads up.

PJ: I noticed his accent kept changing. At one point, he picks up a surfer's accent.

We'll probably hear his side of the story soon enough. But I heard this happened around the time he got into it with his family, if you remember

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