Chloe Sevigny bashes her own show: Blows “Big Love” out of the water.
I guess there weren’t any brown bunnies for her to love…
I have never understood the attraction to the HBO show Big Love even at the beginning. HBO seems to really promote the hell out of this show, more so than the better-written show The Wire I might add. And, I can’t get into it.
I’ve seen Chloe in a few other things, and I have never been a fan of her work. But, I do find it interesting when actors or writers speak out about the direction a show or movie is going.
From USA Today, (("It was awful this season, as far as I'm concerned, she tells The AV Club. "I'm not allowed to say that! [Gasps.] It was very telenovela. I feel like it kind of got away from itself. The whole political campaign seemed to me very farfetched. I mean, I love the show, I love my character, I love the writing, but I felt like they were really pushing it this last season. And with nine episodes, I think they were just squishing too much in.))
You usually don’t get that type of honesty in Hollywood.
Side Note: It took Chloe many years to repair her career from the Brown Bunny.
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