Timbaland gives us his profound wisdom, if we like it or not.
I like Timbaland and his music, despite that whole rip-off scandal a few years back, but I am confused to what position he's taking on gossip. His statement is just little too confusing for his part. Check it.
From MTV.com, (("The world needs to check themselves," Timbaland told MTV News. "Leave them people alone. Leave me alone. I don't have beef with nobody. ))
Uh, okay sure. However, it starts to get a bit more incoherent.
((I have real friendships, and real friendships are meant to not always be on the right page, if you are real friends with somebody. OK, America? Don't get in my personal life. I have too much money, I will find you. ... ))
How did this go from being about the world to America? And, when he finds you he'll play you some dope-ass beats with auto-tune. I don't want to get into Tim's personal life.
((All them Facebooks, Twitter, whatever, whatever, don't be talking. All that talking behind people's back ... I'm a grown man. I ain't got time for all that you say, she say. C'mon, man. Stay outta people's business and just love music." ))
Uh, Timbaland, I hate to break it to you, but you really shouldn't be all that afraid of Twitter. It is usually a bunch of hipsters and teenage girls talking about how shitty their lives are. All this in 150 characters. I won't call Twitter much of a threat, just an annoyance.
And, yes, let's put aside all the hating and join hands like that coke TV ad and enjoy music.
Oh, and the interview gets better with his views on super slut Tiger Woods.
(("Stay out of that man's business," Tim said. "That's his personal business. You don't know if his wife don't make him happy. You don't know what's going on with that man. She could be trying to stab him at night. But do you know that? All y'all see is that he is a black man, he's a top celebrity. To me, it's political and it's prejudice in the game. ))
Wait, what did you say about this stabbing business? I have no problem with any man banging hundreds of women. (I'd like to see Warren Betty compare notes with Mr. Woods.) But, it does become a problem when you deceive your wife about the countless waitresses and pornstars that you have banged over the years. If you have a problem with your wife, you should divorce her and bang whoever you like. But, to act like you're sorry after getting caught is just low.
And, this last part of the interview just cracks me up.
(("Get back to enjoying the music," he said. "Get off of the Internet and enjoy the music. Ride in your car, run on your treadmill, put Walkmans on, not always your iPod. Realize what you are blessed with. ... Get back to appreciation." ))
Thank you, Tim. Yet, people are reading your interview on the Internet! I don't get his stance on Walkmans vs. iPod. What does he have against iPods? More people are active because they can carry more songs around with them on iPods. I guess he doesn't have a problem with people playing his PSP videogame.
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