(http://chatroulette.com/) Chat Roulette
Chat Roulette is basically what is says it is. It a basic designed webcam site that randomly connects you to a single other webcam room where you can chat with a complete stranger. You uses the (next) function to reconnect with other people.
There is even a rather funny meme for this site (Check it here).
A co-worker of mine introduced me to the site in question. So, I finally figured out how it worked and started to skip through the site. I was not prepared with what I found in there. (BTW, I turned off my cam.)
Here are a few encounters I had with some of the random cams.
~20-30 guys masturbating: I'm talking full on penis on their cams...up close. Really, who really wants to see a dude having at himself live online. Guys, you don't look appealing wanking off on a live chat. Women do, but not you. I'm not making this up there were a lot of naked dudes on this site. And, how are you going to chat with him with him only using one hand. The naked guys is a major turn off on this site. So, I've seen more cock today than any straight man should. You don't see many girls doing this in the damn chat.
~A woman dressed as a Na'vi from Avatar: There isn't much to be said about that.
~The Jonas Brothers???: There was a random channel with three dudes that bore a resemblance to the Jonas Brothers. My first thought was, “What the hell are they doing here?”
~A few hot Chinese and Japanese chicks: No nudity, sorry.
~A guy in a dust surgeon mask and a clown wig: I have no idea what context this is under.
I've been told some people I know have had better luck with this chat thing. One guy convinced two females to take their tops off. All I got were naked dudes pleasing themselves.
Make sure to try it out yourself, just don't it during work. I don't like the randomness and the huge number of naked men, so I think I'm going to give up on this site. It is a novel idea, but it is too bad a bunch of naked dudes have to ruin it for all. But, don't take my word for it...read the book, uh the web page.

1 comment:
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