Lost is a TV show about 48 survivors trying to figure out a way to get off a remote island. The first episode on the DVD opens with a man lying on his back in a jungle. The viewers have no idea what the hell is going on. He gets up and hears multiple screams. He heads for those screams. What we see as a viewer is an amazing sight of despair and death. We see the center section of an airplane on fire with dead or injured people everywhere. The mayhem is so well directed that I got pulled into the moment. I cared for these people on a basic level. There is so much going on in this scene that’s it’s a wonder that they even pulled it off. I should add that the engines of the plane are still attached too and are screaming as well.
Lost is a drama that has an emotional level that is lacking in network television today. With reality shows spreading through TV land like a bad case of warts, it is great to see that good dramas can still be made on the Big Four Networks (F’ UPN and WB) The show is full of characters that aren’t forthcoming in their background stories or exactly good or bad. They don’t always get alone or trust each other. However, the most compelling part of the overall story arc is that is show is a mystery show too. Each episode gives us insights into the mystery that is the island.
The island itself is a true mystery. There is a monster that eats people, but nobody has really seen it. It could be intelligent. So far in the four episodes I’ve watched, there are hints that there could other survivors on the island. The weather acts really weird on the island, it will rain, and in an instant it will stop. There are animals that live on the island that should not be there, such as polar bears. I have my own theories about this, but I won’t put them in this review.
Michael Giacchino (Medal of Honor videogames) has done an outstanding job with the score. I’ll even say it’s better than his Alias scores. It is also nice to hear some a fully orchestrated score for a TV show. I’m tire of all the fake scores I’ve heard of late on TV shows. Back to good real old music.
So in the end, there is still hope for Network television not much, but there is.
First four epsiodes Grade A-
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