Friday, July 08, 2005

Random thoughts (Street Jam)

Random thoughts

~Back when I was younger, I was forced to listen to Luther Vandross, because my mother was a huge fan of his work. I’ve come to enjoy his smoothing soulful voice, I was kind of sad to see him gone from this world. R&B will never be the same.

~For some reason, I’ve been depressed since Sunday. I’m not sure why. Perhaps, it has to do with my birthday coming up. I’m not sure…

~Because of my telling of the story Chrono Trigger, I’ve been playing the game again. Man, what a fun game!

~I still not sure if I’m in the mood for War of the Worlds yet. Plus, I can’t stand crowds.

~My writing is coming along nicely. I’ve decided to add another cliffhanger to the story. This one will be on a personal level. I’m still thinking about writing a short story and sending it out to magazines. Unlike my novel, this one will be personal story about a young child dealing with abuse.

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