Chrono and the gang end up locked away in a holding cell, waiting to find out what their fate will hold for them. The Prophet enters the cell and tells them that they’ve banished by Queen from entering the Zeal Kingdom. After being force through the time portal, the gang regroups and knows that if Lavos is awakened, it shall destroy the planet as it happens in 1999. They decide this is their opportunity to defeat Lavos and stop the apocalypse from happening, and they go back to 12,000 BC. They sneak back into the Zeal Kingdom with the help of Princess Schala. Schala tells them that she believes her mother is being controlled by Lavos.
When Chrono and the gang get within the kingdom’s mainland to stop the Queen Zeal from harnessing the power of Lavos, they notice most of the soldiers and scientists have disappeared. The Three Gurus have also disappeared; these are the three wisest men among the kingdom.
Deep under the sea, Queen Zeal begins her test runs on the Mammon Machine that lies safely inside her fortified underwater palace. The Mammon Machine shall drain the power straight from Lavos. Quickly, Chrono and the gang fight their way through the palace to the main center of the Mammon Machine. Queen Zeal summons Lavos and Lavos takes Chrono and the gang to a strange realm. The Prophet appears, wanting to seek his revenge on Lavos, and uncovers his hood. The Prophet is Chrono’s old enemy Magus, from 600 A.D. After being defeated by the Chrono gang, Magus was sent back to 12,000 B.C., where he disguised himself as wise Prophet that could tell the future.
But, how does Magus know everything about the year 12,000, including Chrono arrival? Simple, Magus is the young Prince Janus, the same Janus that has a sister named Schala. Janus saw all the events as they happened. Magus wants revenge for what happened to him and his family when Lavos was awakened by the Mammon Machine.
Lavos during this time is the most powerful it has ever been, because it’s feeding off the power of the magic of the Zeal Kingdom. Before Chrono and the gang cam help Magus, he’s defeated by Lavos and disappears. Lavos turns his attention on Chrono, and fires a power beam, killing Chrono instantly. Schala quickly appears and rescues the rest of the gang, but at the cost of her own life. She is able to send the rest of the gang away, but she stays behind to give them time to escape. Did she sacrifice her life? (Find out in Chrono Cross).
Lavos gets angry, surfaces from the underground, and destroys the Kingdom of Zeal, killing millions in the first attack. The remains of the floating castle come crashing down into the ocean, creating a massive tidal wave. This tidal wave kills billions of humans that lived on the surface of the planet.
Inside the Ocean Palace, Queen Zeal gets the power she desired. Her first act is to exile all her friends and family to various time periods. She sends Janus to the year 580 A.D. where he is taken in by the Mystics, and grows up to become the bitter Magus. History repeats itself. Queen Zeal and the Palace disappear with Lavos.
How will the Chrono Gang deal with the loss of their leader? What happened to Magus?
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