Daredevil (Director’s cut)
When this movie came out in theaters a few years ago, I felt really disappointed in the film. It seemed dreary, sloppy. I felt there was something missing from the script. I found out later the movie was hacked by a crazy producer against the wishes of the director.
Well, after the theater version went to DVD, another version of the film was put together. In This version there was a subplot involving a murder in Hell’s Kitchen. The woman who was murdered was a hooker connected in someway to the Kingpin. The sub-plot also involved Coolio blamed for the crime. This is one of the reasons why you should try to watch the Director’s cut of the film. Other differences, Jennifer Garner isn’t in this version that much, most of her scenes were reshoots. All the fighting is much more graphic in this Director’s cut.
Other things to know…
~The fight with Kingpin is longer and brutal.
~Jon Favreau’s character is more well rounded (pun intended) in this version. A lot of his scenes got cut. It’s a real shame.
~Yes, Coolio is actually good in this movie. He basically plays himself. Kind of funny that they tried to cut him completely out of the movie, but can be seen in early trailers.
~The Cheesy love story is cut down in this darker cut.
~All scenes are longer now. There aren’t really any quick cuts. The movie takes its time in this version.
~One of the biggest complaints in the theater version is that Daredevil hears someone calling out for help, but instead he ignores it and sleeps with Jennifer Garner. Now, I would certainly would do that in real life, but it is not what a superhero would do in the movies. In the director’s cut, he doesn’t listen to her and finds the person yelling out for help. Jennifer Garner leaves right after he does. He doesn’t get any booty in the Director’s cut.
Theater Version: C-
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