For some dumb reason, Sen. Hillary Clinton has decided to chime in on the whole GTA issue. Great, somehow we need to hear from Senators on this issue. Hold on, we need pay congress to look into rating systems on videogames? This is why I don’t consider myself a Democrat. It seems Sen. Clinton has found an issue that she can exploit to get herself ahead in her so called career. I have one question for you Senator; why didn’t you have this much energy to stand up to Bush and the misleading evidence about WMDs? Come on congress, please get back to real issues and stop farting around about a rating system.
The rating system worked this time, that’s why the game got bumped up to AO. Now, STF Hillary and keep Bill from leaving you.
Now, I want to get into the whole issue of Parents letting their kids play games that are equal to what would be considered R-rated films. When they finally discover what their kids are playing, usually by the media, they want to start a writing campaign. You should be looking into everything your kid gets into. There is a rating system in place, use it.
Key points to look into.
1: For some reason, parents want to shrug the blame off on someone else, without looking at themselves for not taking time out of their TV schedules to look into what their kids are playing. Turn off the reality shows and sit down and watch what your kids are playing. If you find it unsuitable for your children, take it away. These are your children, not the worlds.
2: Children shouldn’t sit in front of a TV screen all day playing videogames, it’s unhealthy for their social development. If they are sitting in front of the TV more than 15 hours a week, you have failed as parent. Yes, I know that you spend a great deal of time in front of the TV yourself, but come on, these kids should act like kids and not copy you.
End of rant!
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