Thursday, July 14, 2005

Love, what is it good for? Absolutely nothing!

I have a friend who is extremely good with the ladies and he was telling me about one of them. She was giving him trouble. I told him he should be thankful he has problems with the females. Here’s how the conversation went. We’ll call him Jack

I looked over at Jack in my usual sober expression. “You better be lucky that you got lady problems.”

Jack looked at me with a confusing look on his face. He cocked his head to the side. “How so?”

I frowned. “You know how many female phone numbers I have in my wallet?”

“How many?” Jack asked.

“One,” I answered with a straight face. “And, I don’t think she lives at that phone number anymore.”

Jack and I laughed at my pitiful love life, which there isn’t one. So, whenever you’re having a major problem with someone you love in your life, think of my pathetic love life, and you’ll feel all better. There are always people who have it worst than you.

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