Thursday, July 07, 2005

Blade Review


Back in 1998, Blade was a movie that came out with little fanfare. With no hype, there were a few rumors of reshoots and bad test screenings. Hell, nobody really knew what Blade was about, let alone the origins of the character. The movie starred Wesley Snipes and Stephen Dorff. Strangely enough, the movie was similar in style to The Matrix, yet it was released before that movie.

One of the best scenes in the movie is the opening. The vampires are dancing to techno music and out of nowhere, Blade enters. The image slows down and we get a good look at him as the door opens. A black man, dressed in black with kick-ass sunglasses and a long flowing black leather coat.

All the vampires are in shock as he slowly enters the room. He kills a few Vampires and they quickly turn into decaying bones. This is a great FX shot, and has been copied ever since. The fighting in this scene is nice with a kick-ass techno song in the background. Kung-fu and vampires equals coolness. This is what makes Blade so compelling to watch.

Blade is a sinister hero-type character that is treat, because he’s so different from Superman and Spiderman. This hero kills hundreds of Vampires and enjoys it, maybe because he kills a part of himself in the process. The movie is still fun to watch and opened many doors for Superhero movies.

Grade A- Posted by Picasa

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