Sunday, July 10, 2005

Birthday wishes

Two rules:

1 Keep your eyes on her face while you talk to her, because if you looked down you’ll just stare at “them”.

2 Tell her there really are Chickens in the sea.

Everyone’s favorite Simpson has a birthday today (No not OJ Simpson, or Homer Simpson), Jessica Simpson. Everyone’s dumbest celebrity blond has just turned 25. Let me let me tell you girlfriend; it all goes down hill from this point on, enjoy.

I wonder what her birthday party is going to be like. I see Hundreds of cans of “Chicken of the Sea tuna” staked up at her party. Ashlee Simpson will probably sing Happy Birthday to her lip-syncing, and then get upset dance to her room. (I don’t get it myself, but that’s what she did on SNL.)

I don’t hate this woman like Paris Hilton. Despite her small intelligence, she worked for her fame and money, unlike Paris Hilton.

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