Woman Kills herself in Road Rage
Now, this one is strange but deadly story so read carefully…
((It was the ultimate expression of road rage. A furious woman driver died after ramming another vehicle and spinning her wheels so fast that her own car burst into flames.))
Her anger was so crazy that she ended up killing herself in her own car.
Here’s where it gets crazy…
((She spun the wheels so fast that her tyres disintegrated and the metal rims sent a shower of sparks into the engine, igniting the brake fluid and setting the car on fire.
Appalled onlookers urged her to get out of the car as the flames licked around her but she told them to “F*** off”, an inquest in Gloucester was told. ))
Her car was in flames and she stayed in the burning car still spinning the wheels. She had ample time to get out but stayed inside the burning car until she was cooked alive. Now, granted she was bipolar, but still, the smell of your burning flesh should motivate you to get out of the damn car.
This is whole different kind of rage.
I have no picture of Serena Sutton-Smith or know that much of her past other than the bipolar thing.
((Alan Crickmore, the Gloucestershire coroner, said that her mental condition meant that she failed to appreciate the danger she was in.))
I know very little about bipolar disorders, other than one chick told me she was bisexual and bipolar, so does this tend to happen?
I know she was a larger build woman, but I would have done everything I could to get her out of the car. (Even knocking her out…despite that I’m against abuse, but in this case…)
Usually road rage means you cause harm to others, not killing yourself in the process. I feel for her family, but still that is just strange.
Side note: Can’t you do this sort of thing in GTA games too?
I’m guessing this is a picture of the burning car.
Here’s a ‘Tribute’ to her. What do you say at the Wake?
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2 years ago
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