Ashton Kutcher pwns CNN on Twitter (As if anyone cares)
Kutcher: The Britney Spears of acting…
I’ve always hated Mr. Kutcher and never found him funny or entertaining. Now, I have another reason to hate him.
((Ashton Kutcher, the baby-faced star of Punk'd, That 70s Show and a host of barely passable feature films, beat the stodgy 24-hour cable news network to be the first with 1 million Twitter followers.))
So, he’s become famous for having more Twitter followers than CNN. Why is that important to him or us?
When news organizations report on your tweets instead of the actual acting career, it should say something about the state of your career. (Oh, I am still mad at him for banging MILF Demi Moore too.)
We can also thank him for these wonder reality shows stinking up the airwaves too.
"Beauty and the Geek": Thank you, for reminding geeks that they can’t get laid for nothing.
"The Real Wedding Crashers": The movie was enough.
"Punk'd": From 2003-2007 really?
On second thought, I’d probably be happy if he simply stayed with the Tweets instead of working again.
My comic on the ashton/cnn thing: http://bit.ly/1gBAP
Couldn't agree more with your comic. I cant stand Dane Cook either
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