Perez Hilton? Why was he even asking questions at the USA pageant?
Over at MC blog, he made a good point about the USA pageant and I question as to the reason why Perez Hilton was even there and asking questions to the young ladies. Why was he even there?
We both didn't know why. It will probably remain a mystery forever like “What is the Smoke?” or “What exactly was Starbuck when she returned?”
Well, MSN has written up a great post about Perez Hilton that ask that same question.
Think about it this way; that's like me, another stupid blogger, being a judge in a writing contest. I am not an expert and I have no business doing that.
Here's the best opening lines from MSN writer Helen Popkin
((So wait … how is it Perez Hilton, the gossip blogger who built a career by drawing male genitalia and cartoon cocaine on celebrity photos, is now the media’s official spokesperson on one of the most important civil rights issues in America? ))
It says a lot about the state of civil rights. If I were a member of the gay rights community I'd be asking the same thing. On one hand, you're attacking the Simpsons for using the term “gay”, but then clam up when the most annoying stereotype of a gay person asks the most important questions.
Listen, on a basic level, I enjoy Mr. Hilton's work, when he's not drawing cocks on people's mouths. There are times when he does dig a bit deeper into stories and cuts through the bullshit. But, this was the same guy that went on a crusade to out many in the closet folk.
From the MSN post,
((Funny you should ask. It’s good you did because nobody seems to be mentioning that way back a long, long time ago (around 2005), gay rights advocates were not enamored with the openly gay Perez Hilton, who used his increasingly popular Internet platform to “out” celebrities he believed to be gay and in the closet. ))
Yep, that's how I feel about it.
This is coming from me, a straight guy, that fully supports gay marriage. But, is having the guy that draws cocks on people really the guy to bring up this? Did anyone think they'd get a good answer from someone in the USA pageant?
omg that hat plus his face = crazy creepy guy who i suspect of not nice things.
Am i alone? does anyone else think
Perez Hilton looks creepy?
lol, he's certainly a creepy looking guy. and that hat and pimp coat aren't a good mixture. But, I'll say he doesn't look as strange as boy George of today, when he put on the make up.
Maybe he's going for that Boy George vibe too.
I read a lot of entertainment related sites, but Perez Hilton is one of those places I will not go.
It's hard to get through the drawings and other S***. I will give him credit for being relentless, but I really hate his hero worship of Paris.
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