One day I was clicking through the sea of TV channels, but then I saw something strange catch my eye. Quickly, I turned back, and I saw it. Is it a plane, bird, or a Jackson, no it’s Bibleman. I was drawn to this poorly acted episode like a fly to crap. Somebody decided to make a Superhero that would fight the deadly sins. The quality is really bad, and the FX is near Doctor Who style. The Acting is beyond awful.
Whenever he fights, he pulls out a light saber (it’s not called that, because I’m sure Lucas would sue. I would). Here is why he’s called Bibleman, he speaks random passages from the bible while he fights EVIL. Each sin is a villain in the show. He has a sidekick as well; I forget the loser’s name.
The best part is when one of the deadly sins (bad guys) breaks out with a music video! He starts to dance and rap about his Sin. (I forgot which sin it was, aren’t they all alike.)
Please try to watch one horrific episode of this trash if you can. Below is the IMDB link.
novel idea
Well, its pretty bad Acting, FX, storywise, but concept is sound.
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