Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Wonder Woman Trailer

Wonder Woman Trailer
After a lot of false starts, they're making Wonder Woman.
Okay, DC, you got me interested. This trailer is extremely good. And, it seems like DC film actually got Wonder Woman right. And, they proved me wrong with their decision on choosing Gal Gadot . She looks amazing as the Amazon. Damn she looks and sounds the part. I heard people were pleased with Wonder Woman the most out of the Batman/Superman movie.
I also like seeing Captain Kirk, er, Chris Pine as her introduction to the man's world. I think that was a good casting choice to have Pine as this character. They are also setting this movie during WWI instead of WWII. They're completely different wars. While WW has her orgins in the second war, this change is cool for me.
I hope they explore the relationship between Diana Prince and Steve Trevor . Fanboys and Fangirls will be very mad if they screw this up. For me, I like her to be single and strong willed. But this is coming from a single guy.
My only issue with this movie is that Zack Snyder is all over this production, but the good news is Geoff Johns is also in the mix to clean up the silly Snyder-ness.
BTW, this trailer has over 200K likes and it is a woman based movie. Even though the movie could be shit, everyone seems to like the trailer. Sony, you have some explaining to do. 

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