Since Blayde did a fine review on The Departed. I've forced myself to finally review The movie.
Martin Scorsese has made a successful career for himself by filming movies about organized crime and gangs. Most of those movies were great. To a certain degree, The Departed is no different. The Departed is a remake of a Hong Kong movie named Infernal Affairs. Scorsese bring his usual dark charm to the movie from the get go, and it reminds me of Goodfellas. He shows us the dark underbelly of crime through the Irish Mob Boss Costello, played wonderfully by Jack Nicholson. I couldn’t imagine anyone else playing the role. He steals every scene he’s in, and you truly believe he’s a mob boss.
The main plot centers on Leonardo DiCaprio and Matt Damon. While I’m no fan of DiCRAPo, his performance here is pretty good. Mr. Damon though is freaking great as the snitch within the department. Martin Sheen brings home a great father figure character in the film. It is truly a skill that Scorsese has in bringing all these big stars together and share screen time together.
As Blayde mentioned in his review, there are a few logical problems with the story, namely with the ending. After a few twists, the ending seems a little rushed for my taste. For a movie this good, I’m sure people would have sat through another five minutes to clean up a few things. Don’t let the tipsy ending get to you; this is Scorsese back in excellent form.
Grade B+
Matt is illegally downloading some Marky-Mark mp3s. Watch out for RIAA, Matt. They're worst than the government and the mob put together.

Matt: “I just wanted to say, I loved your rap albums, Marky-Mark.”
Mark: “Don't call me Marky-Mark.”
Okay, Mark, please explain the ending to Planet of the Apes.
Leonardo: “I keep having the same dream every night. I'm on a big ass ship with a lot of people and we hit a big ice cube, and the ship sinks into the water.”
Jack: “Funny, I keep having a dream that I'm hanging off an ladder connected to a helicopter and there's this guy dress in a black bat-suit. Hmm, I'm covered in clown makeup too. How strange is that?”