Thursday, July 11, 2019

Short Man, short temper… (Short guy in bagel shop)

Short Man, short temper… (Short guy in bagel shop)
Tell me if you heard this one; A short guy walks into a bagel shop… 
Yes, just because you are short, you’re not entitled to pussy.  Shut the f’ up, shortcake.  Anyway, this little prick decided to have a meltdown in a bagel shop  From what was reported, Shortcake decided to be rude to all the females in the shop.  He decided to challenge some of the males to a fight and got what he asked for…an ass-beating.  The white knight dude made short work of Shortcake.  (Pun intended).  Shortcake got short in the stick.   Perhaps, you shouldn’t buck up to people when you can’t fight.  Anyone can make short order with you.   
Yes of being an INCEL for all his life must have erupted at that moment.  Anyway, this video made my day.   
Anyway, what an entitled little bitch. This INCEL movement perplexes me more than the pickup artists or third wave feminists.  INCELs have this sense of entitlement. So, women find you unattractive. Big deal, I dealt with that my whole life, so that doesn't entitle me to yell at every woman.
Anyway, one more thing...From NY Post, ((To top it off, the wacky customer didn’t pay for his order—a whole wheat bagel with one egg white and Swiss cheese. ))
That's a small order.

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