Sunday, September 09, 2018

Tennisboy213 Remember him?

Tennisboy213 Remember him?
I've been on a TCAP binge lately, wanting to learn about some of these guys. I wrote about TCAP back in the early days of this blog. Plus, it has been nearly 15 years since early ones.
He was that awkward college student that caught up sending the nudes to the decoy and showed up on TCAP. What makes him famous it that he showed and another predator arrived and “piggybacked” the interview. The best line is, “I think we're going to be arrested.”
The decoy was supposed to be playing a 13-year-old black girl, but the live decoy was a white woman. I think Tennisboy213 knew that going in and noticed she didn't sound like her phone call voice.
Here's the police interview post-arrest. It is an interesting listen. He is concerned about his college career and his family learning about it. It was probably hard on the family when they raided his house to take his computer.
From my research, Khan is still being held in the US as of 2018. There is talk about him being deported back to his home country, but I am certain they don't want him either. So, he is stuck in limbo. This incident happened back in 2006 and he is still being held. Yet, most reports only claim that he received 15 months in the jail system, but has to be known as a sex offender for the rest of his life. The strange thing is not all the TCAP predator have this on their record.
I will cover his TCAP buddy on another date.


Anonymous said...

He was sent back to his home country of Guyana

Semaj said...

I saw Walls video, and you're correct he's back where he didn't want to be. While I hate predators, it isn't fair that his "partner" Slave2 jumped countries and never faced the music.

Heck, I even watched a video about Guyana just to learn about where he was returning. I hope a TCAP fan can find him there.

Anonymous said...

They are both in the UK.Changed name and moves around ...

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