Tuesday, July 30, 2024

ALF Child Star Benji Gregory Dead at 46

Let’s face it; ALF wasn’t a good TV show.  Even now, YouTube is streaming the entire show for free, and I can even bother sitting through one episode.  Even through rose-colored glasses, the show is bad and unfunny.  However, I just learned that the youngest star from that show passed away recently.  And, it is even crazier to discover that he was only a few years younger than me.  Benji Gregory died from a heat stroke inside his car alongside his service dog.  

After ALF ended, Benji worked in Hollywood for only three more years and stopped acting.  I don’t blame him.  Acting can be damaging.  He joined the Navy and served as an Aerographer's mate on a ship.  I had to look it up.  It is a job where you observe and study conditions at sea, both under and above the boat.   Since I am a fool, I could not have done it.  I take it his health was failing and he left the military.  

I didn’t think the youngest one from that show would die so soon. 

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